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R.A. Shveda,*  A. Rajappan,* T.F. Yap, Z. Liu, M.D. Bell, B. Jumet, V. Sanchez, D.J. Preston,  “A Wearable Textile-Based Pneumatic Energy Harvesting System for Assistive Robotics” Science Advances. In press. *Denotes equal contribution


A. Rajappan, B. Jumet, R.A. Shveda, C.J. Decker, Z. Liu, T.F. Yap, V. Sanchez, D.J. Preston, “Logic-enabled textiles” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2022.

S.E. Root,* V. Sanchez,* J.A. Tracz,* D.J. Preston, Y.S. Zvi, K. Wang, C.J. Walsh, S. Homer‐Vanniasinkam, G.M. Whitesides,“An Expanding Foam‐Fabric Orthopedic Cast” Advanced Materials Technologies. 2022. *Denotes equal contribution

W-K. Lee, D.J. Preston, M.P. Nemitz, A. Nagarkar, A.K. MacKeith, B. Gorissen, N. Vasios, V. Sanchez, K. Bertoldi, L. Mahadevan, G.M. Whitesides,  “A Buckling-Sheet Ring Oscillator for Electronics-Free, Multimodal Locomotion” Science Robotics. 2022.

B. Jumet, M.D. Bell, V. Sanchez,  D.J. Preston, “A Data-Driven Review of Soft Robotics” Advanced Intelligent Systems. 2022.

V. Sanchez, C.J. Walsh, R.J. Wood, "Textile Technology for Soft Robotic and Autonomous Garments,"  Advanced Functional Materials, 2020.

V. Sanchez*,  C.J. Payne*,  D.J. Preston,  J.T. Alvarez,  J.C. Weaver,  A.T. Atalay,  M. Boyvat,  D.M. Vogt,  R.J. Wood, G.M. Whitesides,  C.J. Walsh. "Smart Thermally Actuating Textiles," Advanced Materials Technologies, 2020. *Denotes equal contribution

D.J. Preston, H.J. Jiang, V. Sanchez, P. Rothemund, J. Rawson, M.P. Nemitz, W-K. Lee, Z. Suo, C.J. Walsh, and G.M. Whitesides,  “A soft ring oscillator,” Science Robotics, 2019.

Atalay, V. Sanchez, O. Atalay, D.M. Vogt, F. Haufe, R.J. Wood,  C.J. Walsh, "Batch Fabrication of Customizable Silicone-Textile Composite Capacitive Strain Sensors for Human Motion Tracking," Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017.

T.L. Lewis, X. Zeng, V. Sanchez, J. Fan, “Environmental Evaluation of Fabric Dyeing and Water Use for a Global Apparel Manufacturer,” AATCC Journal of Research, 2017.


N.K. Trejo, C.G. Reyes, V. Sanchez, D. Zhang, M.W. Frey, “Developing Composite Nanofibre Fabrics Using Electrospinning, Ultrasonic Sewing, and Laser Cutting Technologies,” International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 2016.


J.A. Fazzini, D.J. Preston, S.E. Root, V. Sanchez, G.M. Whitesides, "Expanding Foam-Fabric Orthopedic Limb Stabilization Device." Filed October 2020. Pending.

A. Couture, Y. Ding, I. Galiana, N. Karavas, S. Kuindersma, S. Lee, T. Miyatake, K. O'Donnell, K., D. Popov, M. Rouleau, D. Ryan, V. Sanchez, D. Wagner, C.J. Walsh, “Exosuit Architecture, Actuation, and Controls.” US Provisional Patent Application Number: 62365494.  Filed July 2016. Pending.

Art + Design Exhibitions

Exhibitor, chiral.

Natural Dye Studio Gallery Exhibition [Group Exhibition] | Jill Stuart Gallery, Ithaca, NY                              December 2015 – February 2016


Designer, Method 6                                                                                                                                                                                           

Cornell Fashion Collective Fashion Show [Group Exhibition] | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY                                                           April 2015


Exhibitor, Method 6-In Progress

[RAW] EXPO [Group Exhibition] | Cornell University Department of Architecture, Art, and Planning                                             March 2015


Designer, 1930s-2030s

Cornell Fashion Collective Fashion Show [Group Exhibition] | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY                                                           April 2014

© 2020 Vanessa Sanchez.

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